To all of our wonderful and valued clients,
We want to start off by saying thanks to all of you for your continued patience and understanding while we navigate through this difficult time. We have implemented a lot of new protocols and procedures to help ensure the safety of our staff, clients, and patients and we are truly grateful for everyone's support with this.
The province of Ontario is still in a state of emergency until, at least, June 30 while they navigate through the 3 stage reopening plan. As many of you already know, York Region is now in Stage 2 of the reopening plan as of June 19. Since COVID-19 is still present in the community and is predominantly, if not exclusively, maintained through human-to-human transmission, the overall goal of physical distancing is to reduce human-to-human contact. Due to this fact, we have been instructed by our governing body to continue with "closed door policies" and curbside drop-off/pick-ups to help keep staff, clients and patients safe.
Please review our current protocols carefully on ways we are helping to protect ourselves and our clients:
- All clients are to call when they are in the parking lot for appointments, food & medications pick ups, or general inquiries. We will be doing all appointments and food/medication pick ups as curbside drop-offs & pick-ups only. Payments will be taken via credit card over the phone or debit with our wireless terminal.
- Please keep 2 meters (~6 ft) of distance between you and the staff, or other clients, when waiting outside the front door.
- Please wear a mask when you are dropping off your pet(s).
- Please let staff know if you, or anyone you live with, has been sick, travelled, or work in a "high COVID risk" workplace such as: long term care facilities, hospitals, etc...
- We disinfect all surfaces in the clinic multiple times daily and disinfect our wireless debit terminal after each and every use.
- We wear a mask for every patient drop-off/pick-up.
- We require staff members to stay home if they themselves, or anyone they live with, are not feeling well.
Please give us a call or email to discuss any concerns you may have. We are here to help and want to do our part in keeping all of our clients and patients safe and healthy. Please stay safe, stay home and continue washing your hands frequently!
Dr. Cliff & the Wellington Team